Looking for a Lost Pet?


Every day SEAACA rescues animals. If you have lost your pet or want to adopt, these are the pets in our Care Center...

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Licensing Program

New licensing program with DocuPet

A license is your dog’s call home-it is not only a good idea, it’s the law. Click below for more information...

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Cats In My Community?
I Found Kittens, What Do I Do?

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People with kitten kits standing in front of shelter sign

Kitten season is well underway around the country, and Network partners are implementing all kinds of strategies to cope with the influx. If your organization hasn’t tried a “Don’t Kit-Nap Kittens” campaign, they are very effective at educating people about the fact that many “orphaned” kittens are not orphaned at all and have the greatest chance of survival if they are left with mom. For those neonates that do end up at the shelter when people find them, the most promising programs are those that ask the public to play a significant role in caring for these most fragile beings.

Read more on Network.BestFriends.org